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Tehani Nguyen

"The Incredible Power of Gamma Rays: Exploring the Universe's Most Energetic Radiation"

Updated: Aug 9, 2023

The electromagnetic spectrum includes many waves, but gamma rays have the

most energy and have the shortest wavelengths. The universe's hottest and most

energetic objects, such as neutron stars and pulsars, supernova explosions, and

regions near black holes, all create them. Nuclear explosions, lightning, and the

less spectacular process of radioactive decay all produce gamma waves here on


How do we detect them?

Gamma rays cannot be captured by mirrors and reflected, unlike optical light and

x-rays. As gamma ray wavelengths are so short, they may traverse the area within

atoms in a detector. Blocks of crystal are often tightly packed in gamma-ray

detectors. Gamma rays collide with the crystal's electrons as they pass through.

Gamma rays lose energy when they collide with an electron in a process known as

Compton scattering. The sensor may pick up on the charged particles that are

created by these collisions.

Gamma Ray Bursts and what we would see if we could see them

Since the Big Bang, gamma-ray bursts have been the most intense and powerful

electromagnetic events. They can release more energy in ten seconds than our Sun

will in its estimated 10-billion-year lifespan!

Gamma rays would appear unusual and foreign in the night sky if we could see

them. Instead of the familiar view of constantly glowing constellations, there

would be a continuous stream of high-energy gamma radiation bursts that fluctuate

in duration from a few fractions of a second to several minutes, popping like

cosmic flashbulbs, briefly dominating the gamma-ray sky, and then fading.

Use of gamma rays- Composition of planets

Gamma rays can be used by scientists to identify the elements on distant planets.

The gamma-ray spectrometer (GRS) aboard the Mercury Surface, Space

Environment, Geochemistry and Ranging (MESSENGER) spacecraft can detect

gamma rays emitted by atom nuclei on the planet Mercury's surface after being

struck by cosmic rays. Chemical components in soils and rocks release very

identifiable traces of energy in the form of gamma rays when cosmic rays strike

them. This data can help researchers in their search for geologically significant

elements including sodium, calcium, magnesium, silicon, oxygen, iron, and


Gamma Knife Radiosurgery

An example of a radiotherapy treatment is gamma knife radiosurgery. Another

name for it is stereotactic radiosurgery. Although a Gamma Knife procedure is

called a surgery, incisions are not used. The Gamma Knife employs extremely

precise gamma ray beams to treat a lesion or growth (tumor). It is mostly used in

the brain. Without the requirement for an incision, the gamma radiation beams

provide a highly powerful amount of radiation to a small area. Cells are destroyed

by radiosurgery so they cannot grow. With time, a lesion or tumor will get smaller.

Because the outcome is similar to removing a lesion with surgery, gamma knife

radiosurgery is referred to as a surgery. With little impact on surrounding healthy

tissue, the radiation beams are carefully directed to target the lesion.


Since it eliminates bacterial DNA and prevents bacterial reproduction, gamma

irradiation is a physical/chemical method of sterilization. The equipment is

exposed to gamma ray energy, which damages the contaminating bacteria.

Contaminating organisms either perish as a result of these molecular modifications,

or they become incapable of reproducing. The gamma irradiation procedure leaves

no residue or radioactivity in the things that are handled. Depending on the

material's thickness, complete penetration is achievable.


Gamma rays possess great energy that enables them to penetrate almost anything;

even bones and teeth. This renders gamma rays extremely hazardous. They can

alter genes, kill living cells, and cause cancer; ironically.

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